Welcome to the Spacely Sprockets Web Site!
Spacely Sprockets is the galaxy leader in rocket sprockets and sprocket related supplies.
Spacely Sprockets is home to the galaxys most advanced magnetic, anti-grav, and conventional sprocket technology since 1966.
Today's capital investments are tomorrow's stories of success, according to George Jetson, an employee of Spacely Sprockets Incorperated. The businessmen of the future are excited about the near-completion of their state-of-the-art building. Some are hailing the futuristic facilities, describing them as "way ahead of our time."
The future looks good for the new Spacely Sprockets building on 5th and Main.
The out-of-this-world building boasts a fusion-powered generator that could power an entire city, as it exists now, landing decks on the roof for employees' personal helicopters, and innovative new travel tubes--no outdated elevators here--, personnel vacuum transporters that literally suck a person right up to their office.
Spacely Sprockets will have a staff of close to 1,400 workers. They claim that most of the administrative staff will be robots on wheels.
Cosmo Spacely, president of Spacely Sprockets, is pleased with progress of the new facilities, although he would have preferred the first design, which called for the building to be raised three hundred feet up in the air, supported by reinforced poles.
"I guess city planners just aren't ready for elevated cities yet," shrugged Mr. Spacely. "Hopefully when we expand they'll see the wisdom of having the space freighter docking bays under the building instead of along the sides like we had to do with this one."
"And I'm not sure how they expect commuters to get from the air-trains to the building," he continued. "Do they think they'll just drop from the sky? They'll need to put jets on to get to work!"
Despite some of the technological limitations of the twenty-first century, Mr. Spacely is still proud of the building's "retro" design.
"All of our offices are equipped with the latest comforts: adjustable gravity, holographic screens, and fully robotic cleaning systems," said Mr. Spacely, obviously a man with a sense of humour. "I came back 'in time' to see to the final touches."
Mr. Spacely claimed that he needed to gain an advantage over a competitor, Cogswell Cogs, a company that he "foresees" will be a problem in the future.
When asked if he knew what the future held for Spacely Sprockets, Mr. Spacely simply replied: "Yes."
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Top Stories
Sprocket Competitors Fall by the Wayside According to recent Dow Jones reports, competitors in the sprocket field have suffered a recent financial plunge.
Sources at Spacely Sprockets attribute their recent [positive] customer base shift to the markedly higher quality in their cogs. Said CEO Mr. Spacely, "We take great lengths to assure customer satisfaction through a superior product and the excellent service programs recently placed into effect. Our sprockets are unarguably the best product on the market." More...
The Sprocket of the Future
With the unbelievable velocities of high-speed commercial cogs, the pressure exerted on the sprockets is great. Most do not even consider the strain these innocuous rods go through. Spacely Sprockets, however, have begun researching a stronger sprocket for the high-test cogs that are slated to become available this winter. Using the same aluminum/copper/titanium alloys, tests are yielding results far off the standardized charts developed five years ago. As the sprockets evolve, check back here and we will keep you up to date with the news...or sign up for e-mail newsletter to be periodically apprised!
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This month's special:
The newest sprocket in the Spacely family, the Self-Reciprocating Sprocket, is already destined for greatness. Testing in at greater than 35,000 rpm, this is one hearty little bugger. Coated with an aluminum/copper/titanium alloy, this sprocket is 28% lighter than its competition, yet is over 45% stronger than the heaviest-duty commercial sprocket. Sales are estimated in the billions, and shipment is expected to begin sometime in January. More...
Self-Reciprocating Sprockets: 20% off
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